Sunday, December 17, 2006

Even More Odds and Ends

It'll likely be a slow week with Christmas coming. So where'd all this news come from?

One year ago, the NY Times revealed the President's warrantless, domestic wiretapping program. Despite even more disturbing revelations since then of the scope of the program, no action has been taken. With Democratic leaders pledging to use their new majority to tackle this issue, will that change? An AP report notes that "a new Congress' efforts to limit the program could trigger a constitutional showdown."

Lord, let's hope so! A constitutional showdown is sorely overdue.

Meanwhile, in Asia: "Six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program resumed Monday for the first time in more than a year, a test of whether the secretive communist regime is willing to negotiate after its surprise atomic test rattled the region this fall."

Around the Middle East, anti-U.S. sentiment hits new highs.

At home, President Bush develops a sudden dislike of congressional earmarks.

John Edwards is planning to announce an '08 presidential run at a press conference soon in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward. Using the battered neighborhood is intended to highlight his top issue of the effects of economic inequality in America.

Newt Gingrich also wants to run for President and is as crazy as ever.

Finally, the White House decides to classify the number of Iraq attacks since August.


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