Friday, November 17, 2006

Pentagon Reclassifies Homosexuality (Sort Of)

Bad news, hawkish homosexuals, the army still doesn't think you're fit to go die in Iraq...

AP: Pentagon alters homosexuality guidelines
Pentagon guidelines that classified homosexuality as a mental disorder now put it among a list of conditions or "circumstances" that range from bed-wetting to fear of flying.

The new rules are related to the military's retirement practices. The change does not affect the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prohibits officials from inquiring about the sex lives of service members and requires discharges of those who openly acknowledge being gay.

The revision came in response to criticism this year when it was discovered that the guidelines listed homosexuality alongside mental retardation and personality disorders...

Hmmmm. Maybe the military should stop letting Borat write these guidelines.

They desperately need more recruits, but not if it makes a few people feel icky.

[PS- On a semi-related note, Dan Savage hopes that the Rev. Haggard revelations, besides just exposing the hypocrisy of those who want to legislate their morality, will mean the end of the 'ex-gay' movement. Says Savage, "If Jesus can't be bothered to work a miracle for the most powerful evangelical minister in the country, what 'hope' is there for the average dyke? None. The ex-gay thing is over. It's dead. It was bullshit from the start. And I will personally track down and bitch-slap the next fundie douche who sends me an e-mail explaining how Jesus can cure me." Amen.]


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