Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Final Days Of Habeas Corpus?

Earlier this week, I asked whether the President had actually signed his detainee bill yet (you know the one needed so urgently it positively had to be passed before the elections) as the Congress had rubberstamped it weeks ago. Keith Olbermann's segment a few days ago indicated that it wasn't signed.

Now an online article about a U.S. citizen seized by US Forces in Iraq indicates that the President will sign the bill this Tuesday. I haven't read that anywhere else, but it's a very reputable site and so I will assume they are correct.

If the President does an elaborate signing ceremony (and he will), expect that darn ol' liberal media to give it all the attention the President desires, while not asking any uncomfortable questions about the implications of a constitutional democracy legalizing torture and signing away habeas corpus in the name of a never-ending war.

Just as the Republicans rushed a Iraq resolution shrouded in spin and doomsday scenarios for midterm gains in 2002, so too have agreed to consolidate executive power and sully the moral/constitutional legacy of the United States under the guise of 'security' in hopes of retaining power in 2006. I intend no hyperbole in stating that these people hold contempt for democracy.

We should be very ashamed and angry that this is about to happen.


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