Friday, September 29, 2006

The Party of Values

Here's the latest news from the great party that rules our country-

One more down... Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla) resigned today after emails surfaced from a former young male page in which the congressman made suggestive comments and asked for 'pics'. Newly revealed IM conversations (see PDF) sealed his fate. House leadership knew of the problem.

Bush supporters go on a field trip to Guantanamo Bay prison.

White House officials have for months been pretending they didn't know disgraced GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Turns out, ummm, they lied. Hundreds of contacts between Abramoff's team and the White House have been revealed.

Virginia Senator, and presumed 2008 presidential nominee, George Allen goes all Mark Fuhrman on us.

Finally, a new book by Bob Woodward- 'State of Denial'- reveals more disturbing truths and the President, his inner circle, and the Iraq war. What a great ride this has been.


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