Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Like Deja Vu All Over Again, All Over Again

Matt Drudge, the internet's favorite warmonger, leads with another in a series of sensationalistic Iran headlines-

These conservatives are really war junkies. Somebody should get them some help.

(Oh, and this much-touted headline today?- 'Iran leader calls for purge of liberal university teachers'. Not to be snarky, but what he's calling for there doesn't sound any different to me than what the far-right conservatives- the Limbaugh/Fox News crowd- have been calling for here at home for years. Just saying.)

[Related reading for some perspective:
-Newsweek (Fareed Zakaria): The Year of Living Fearfully: Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has gone from being an obscure and not-so-powerful politician to a central player in the Mideast, simply by goading the United States.
-Glenn Greenwald: Is Iran "the most active state sponsor of international terrorism"?]


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