Tuesday, August 29, 2006

White House To Be Subpeonaed In Domestic Spying Case

Good luck with that, lawyers. Can you say 'stonewall'?

U.S. Newswire: Lawyers Will Subpeona Bush White House in Phone Company Spying Case
...Two lawyers who brought the first lawsuit against the Bush Administration, Verizon and ATT for illegally examining the phone records of virtually every American citizen will announce today that they are serving subpoenas on the Bush White House and on Verizon.

"We are subpoenaing the White House because we have developed evidence that the Bush Administration began unlawful efforts to obtain Americans' private phone records prior to 9/11/01 and the White House must disclose documents relevant to that claim," said Afran. "We believe that Verizon had extensive involvement in illegally disclosing the records of millions of Americans."

"We are going to determine with these subpoenas whether the Bush administration has unlawfully targeted journalists, peace activists, libertarians, members of congress or generated an 'enemies list' by creating the most massive domestic spying operation in America's history," said Mayer.

The subpoenas come on the heels of two federal court decisions that were major blows to the Bush Administration warrantless spying program...

Why does our judiciary hate America?


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