Wednesday, May 31, 2006

To Hillary Or Not To Hillary?

That is the question I want you, my dear blog reader(s), to answer.

Yesterday I posted another entry on the 2008 debate of Hillary v. Gore as the Dem nominee.

I got this comment-
I think it would a great mistake to dismiss Hillary. She is far more electable than any other democrat. Just look at her poll numbers. Yes, we're not happy about the war in Iraq, but the war was Bush's doing not hers. If you want another Republican in power, cannibalising your own is good way to do it.

I understand where he/she is coming from. Democrats do have a history of eating their own.

But I disagree.

I fleshed out my opinions in my reply-
My opposition to Hillary is less about her support for the Iraq war (if I refused to vote for a Democrat who voted for the war, I couldn't have voted for Kerry... there are few Democrats who didn't make that mistake); it is mostly about her electability. I know that her poll numbers are higher than many and that she has a lot of money to throw out the election, but like I said I believe she will crash and burn at the ballot box.

There are several factors for this. First, she is way too divisive. Republicans loathe the Clintons with a fiery passion; they will unleash their worst on her. Liberals don't trust her because of her right-leaning pandering. The center oddly enough may be her best best for support, but the reality of sexism will hurt her chances of getting male swing voters. Second, her popularity as a Senator in a blue state is not likely to translate to national support. Third, there is the fact that Senators have an awful record in presidential elections. The last time a President was elected from the Senate was John Kennedy in 1960 and that was a close race.

Hence, my support for Gore, another popular Democrat who has already proven his electability and has none of Hillary's baggage. Should he continue to be adamant about not running, I'm sure there is a popular (and liberal) governor somewhere who would make a good candidate.

So where do you stand on this big debate?

Try our luck with Clinton? Or find a stronger candidate? You already know where I stand.

Some blog posts of relevance:
-Why Hillary Clinton Is No Bill Clinton
-If Not Hillary, Then Who?


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