Friday, May 19, 2006

Mission Accomplished!

President Bush rides into Arizona to celebrate his victory in solving the border crisis.

"Major comprehensive immigration reform has ended. In the battle of the border, the United States and our far-right allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing the Republican majority."

Meanwhile, in more symbolic election-year politics, the Senate yesterday approved a measure that would make English the "national language" of the United States. They said the purpose was to encourage Republicans to vote national unity among immigrants. The measure wouldn't really do anything legally (ie. end bilingual voting ballots, etc), but boy it sure does feel good, doesn't it! This country needs to embrace the English language in totality, which is why the measure no doubt also encourages major cities in California and the southwest to change their names. "Los Angeles"? No me gusta!

Man, this is gonna be a looonnggg summer.

UPDATE: A reminder the White House website is available en espanol. Holy hypocrisy, Batman!

[PS- Violence erupts!- San Diego Border Reopens After Shooting- Take that Mexican insurgents! I guess we're turning the corner in the Republicans' latest political war.]

[PPS- While you're building fences, maybe you should rebuild those levees in New Orleans? Remember New Orleans? Gulf Coast almost wiped out because federal government was too distracted with vacations and mass incompetence? Hurricane season's coming, ya know.]


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