Monday, May 08, 2006

Links of the Day

Busy day... I found a quarter on the ground this morning, it was the greatest moment of my entire life. Truly I must be a man of great accomplishments worthy of high respect.

Here's some links of what's going on this crazy world of ours...

-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Bush: 'Please do not nuke my country. Thanks.':
Iran Proposes 'Diplomatic Opening' to U.S.

-President Bush wants to respect the Constitution; he just wants the Supreme Court to force him first:
Bush says he would like to close Guantanamo

-Moussaoui admits he made up the 9/11 fifth plane plan that I hope no one believed to begin with. You don't say, Zach! He thinks that will get him a new trial. That will happen in about... never. Back to the Supermax with you:
Moussaoui Asks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

-Finally, Sen. Frist and Speaker Hastert send their love to the vaccine industry:
Frist and Hastert Let Vaccine Industry Write Its Own Multi-Billion Dollar Giveaway


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