Saturday, April 15, 2006

Moving In

Guess what is being described here-
It’s a U.S. complex consisting of 21 buildings and 104 acres, according to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. You know how big that is? Try Rome’s Vatican City, baby. We’re talking huge...

...The Senate report talks about it being a "hardened" structure, meaning that it stands alone, without any help from any outside company, electricity, or anything else, because it’s 100% independent, for obvious reasons. It’s "six times larger than the United Nations compound in New York, and two-thirds the acreage of Washington’s National Mall."

Give up? It's... the new U.S. Embassy fortress building in Iraq!

Yea, that's going to go over well in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, back here in our own country, New Orleans still waits for "one of the largest reconstruction efforts the world has ever seen" which was promised to them by the President in a speech that's been almost entirely forgotten.

When you file your taxes this weekend, remember where the money is- and isn't- going.


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