Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I <3 Russ Feingold, Pt. II

Sen. Feingold's gay marriage support has got some blogs buzzing...

Andrew Sullivan: Feingold Backs Marriage

Truth Dig: Feingold Favors Legalizing Gay Marriage

AmericaBlog: Feingold's got balls

It's amazing that the average politician is so spineless that it's buzzworthy when one of them does the right thing. And even more amazing that that one is usually Russ Feingold. From campaign finance to the Patriot Act to the Iraq war to censure, he's been ahead of the political curve for years and is not afraid to go against the conventional wisdom of even his own party. To the right, he's an evil traitor for questioning the President's motives and behavior in wartime. To the left-of-center Democrats, he's a troublemaker who's messing up their system. To me, he's a patriot and a very rare breed of politician I would not just vote for because he's the best available option, but because I want him in office. All this principled stances may hurt his chances of appealing to swing voters (or maybe it'll help- Kerry's 2004 pandering didn't exactly win him votes), but I don't care. He's good people.

I'll say it again- More Feingolds, less of everybody else.


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