Monday, April 24, 2006

Gore In '08? (Pt. II)

Is Al Gore coming out (pardon the pun) in favor of gay marriage?

It would appear that's the direction that he is heading in...

Al Gore’s evolution on same-sex marriage?

I say good for him. This is the right thing to do and it's great for a former Vice President to speak out in support of it. I believe he would be the only former member of the Executive branch to issue support publicly (Jimmy Carter has only expressed support for civil unions of equal legal treatment). It's been very refreshing to see that Gore has abandoned the politically cautious strategy he adopted in 2000 and is siding with those like Sen. Feingold who fight on principle rather than the foxhole Democrats who are too scared to do so.

This change occurs as the right-wing increases efforts to make gay marriage bans an election-year issue.

Al Gore's main focus, of course, remains his campaign to make combating global warming a national priority (and yes, here's another plug by for the documentary trailer). What makes his fight so powerful is that, in addition to being out of politics for 5 years (this issue should be apolitical/bipartisan, but sadly isn't), this was also his issue long before it was anyone else's. This was his issue when people Ace of Base had a #1 hit single.

If Al Gore does decide to run in '08 (and claim what should've been his), this issue should be the centerpiece of his campaign. The country seems to finally be turning around on the reality and danger of climate change. And with members of the Republican Party even jumping on this bandwagon (much to the President's chagrin), it's clear that Gore has been ahead of the curve on many issues and that the Democratic party- and America- would do well to take him seriously.

To quote Bill Maher, "if the Democrats can't figure out how to demagogue armageddon", then they really need help.


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