Thursday, April 27, 2006

GOP: 'If We Give You All $100, Will You Forgive Us On Election Day?'

$100. That's what Republicans think it will take to calm down disgruntled voters.

Most voters will certainly appreciate that $100 check, but you'd have to have been huffing the exhaust pipe fumes if you believe this move is being discussed out of any concern for the American taxpayer. The oil issue has become deadly for the Republicans and they're looking to be rid of it. Both sides of the aisle want to win the gas debate (it's one of the few issues that actually seems to get Americans angry... wiretapping what? prewar intelligence who?) and the Republicans are pulling out all the stops to win it before the Democrats can.

The Republicans know that when it comes to election year politicing, money talks. The want to send taxpayers a $100 check and so they can send Bill Frist and other GOP leaders on several TV appearances to say "And don't forget who gave you that money- We did! The Republicans! Suck on it, Democrats!". Ignore that $100 won't go very far for most families at this point, is not a generosity a government in record debt can afford, passes over the problem of oil companies making obscene profits, and will not solve the energy crisis that is actually causing of all of these problems and killing the environment.

What may be overlooked at first in this is that the Republicans also added into the bill a renewed proposal to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling. Man, they're not giving up that plan without a fight, are they? They know that the Democrats (and some Republicans too, of course) will oppose this on principle and vote down the proposal. Then the Republicans can turn around and say "The Democrats didn't want to give you $100!! They don't care that you're paying $3.50 a gallon! They're with the oil companies and terrorists!" And the Democrats will try to explain what a farce the proposal was from the beginning and that the GOP continues to cave to Big Oil (who can't wait to get their hands on that prime Alaskan real estate), but their assurances will be drowned out by the right-wing spin machine as usual.

It's election year politics at its most transparent and opportunistic. Will Americans fall for it? Will a quick, easy refund obscure reality? Will voters' anger over oil trump all the more important issues at stake here (accountability on the war, congressional corruption, reckless spending, etc)? I'm sure of it!

Ohhh, this is going to be a very long summer. Senators to push for $100 gas rebate checks
Most American taxpayers would get $100 rebate checks to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.

However, the GOP energy package may face tough sledding because it also includes a controversial proposal to open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil exploration, which most Democrats and some moderate Republicans oppose...

...On the other side of the aisle, Democrats on Wednesday called for a new energy bill and federal legislation to punish price gougers.

"There's no reason why we can't put forth a real energy policy that addresses the needs of this nation," said Rep. Bart Stupak, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, "from gouging to market manipulation to biofuels. We can do it."...

Thank god I live in a city where a car is not necessary.

[PS- Is this the crap that Jimmy Carter went through in '79? Poor bastard never even had a chance.]


At 6:26 PM, Blogger BlueDuck said...

I have not.

I imagine there's some- if not complete in every area- connections.


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