Monday, March 13, 2006

Supporting Sen. Feingold

If you support Sen. Feingold's censure resolution, it is good to show your support.

You can contact Feingold through his website and send a note of support.

For instance, I sent this-
To Sen. Feingold,

I read today of your decision to censure President Bush. I just wanted to send this note of support to your actions. Most likely, these coming days will be difficult for you, with many in Washington and in the media questioning your motives and attacking your character. Please know that the majority of the American people are behind you on this. We know that this is the right thing for America.

Thank you for continuing to stand up for our constitutional values. You are the embodiment of what it means to be a patriot.

Simple and concise.

Or, if you don't support the move, you can ask why he hates America and if he wants to kiss his boyfriend Osama. Whatever the GOP talking points on this are. Or, perhaps they will remind us how emboldened the Soviet Union was when Nixon was made accountable for his actions. Or, they will remind us that that is a strong action, one only to be used to be used for horny Democratic Presidents, and not for Republican Presidents who routinely mislead the nation and show an openly stated disregard for the rule of law. Something like that.

I also sent emails to my local Senators- Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer- urging them to support this resolution. More than likely, 'play it safe' election year politics will scare far too many Democrats away from this, but I can at least hope that a few of them learned their lesson from embracing that attitude in 2002 when they supported the Iraq resolution. But then when have politicians ever learned a lesson?

[PS- Despite Feingold's move being huge news, I checked Drudge's rag (storms in the Midwest- he's a weatherman now!) and see that he has it buried at the bottom, under a story about 'V For Vendetta'. I hope Matt is going to see that film, he may recognize some of the themes.]

[PPS- Expect that lib-uh-ral media to take a collective pass on this story as well.]


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