Monday, March 20, 2006

Sens. Leahy and Jeffords Want Censure Hearings

Slowly, but surely, Sen. Feingold succeeds in sparking the much-needed debate...

Vermont Guardian: Leahy, Jeffords support hearings on Feingold censure proposal
Vermont’s two senators, Democrat Patrick Leahy and Independent Jim Jeffords, believe that hearings should be held on the Bush administration’s secret domestic wiretapping program before a censure vote is held.

Sen. Russ Feingold, D-WI, has introduced a resolution calling for censure, accusing Pres. George Bush of violating the Constitution and the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act...

...“Sen. Feingold says he intended his resolution to prompt congressional investigations into the president’s actions on these issues. Republican leaders so far have been reluctant to allow that,” said David Carle, a Leahy spokesman. “Sen. Leahy believes in first things first, and the first thing is Congress doing its oversight duty in investigating the Bush administration’s illegal domestic wiretapping.”...

Sounds good to me.

No doubt Sen. Frist will respond by asking Leahy and Jeffords why they love Al Qaeda so much.

[See previous entry - Sunday Cartoon- for links to more right-wing spin]


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