Thursday, February 16, 2006

Newly discovered tapes reveal that...

...Saddam Hussein was an evil man who hated the United States. Wow!

Hey libs, what do you think of your boyfriend Saddam now?

These tapes totally justify this clusterfuck of a war! [*high-fives fellow Freeper*] Half a trillion dollars well spent. After all, what Saddam was doing 10 years ago before all the sanctions and air strikes crippled what was left of his power totally has relevance to George W. Bush's decisions in 2003! The very fact that he was even thinking about hurting us (which we totally did not know before already) is more than enough justification to invade a whole nation. Being the only world leader who has ever hated the United States, Saddam was definitely the right person to go after in lieu of Osama bin Laden. Plus he said the word "terrorism" while discussing us in the mid-90s so obviously he knew about 9/11 because, after all, terrorism was only a hypothetical concept at that point and the idea of it in the United States was unheard of! We finally got our smoking gun (and it didn't even need to come in the form of a mushroom cloud)! This is why a spokesperson for the national intelligence director said that "while fascinating, from a historical perspective the tapes do not reveal anything that changes their post-war analysis of Iraq's weapons programs nor do they change the findings contained in the comprehensive Iraq Survey group report". Oh. Hmmm.

Well we've been grasping at straws for three years, so we'll take anything! [*turns on Fox for validation*]

Man I am so glad we started this war.

And it's working out so well too!!!

[*passes out from mental exhaustion*]


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