Friday, December 09, 2005

Rumsfeld's Exit Strategy

The Daily News has more fuel for the rumors that Rumsfeld is planning to step down:
Rummy exit expected; Lieberman eyed for job

Sneaking out the back door, Rummy?

The rumors of his pending retirement (and faux-bipartisan replacement with leading Republican Democrat Joe Lieberman) is just further proof that Rumsfeld will never be held accountable for the war he started. This was his war, he bungled it from day one, and the loss of tens of thousands of lives is on his head. He cannot be written off merely as another incompetent civil servant. The mistakes he made caused by his indifference to our troops and to U.S./international law are much more than simply a series of bad decisions. It was the hubris of one of a group of men who believed they were destined to resphape the world and are not bound by laws or morality. If the United States were ever to prosecute its own for war crimes, Mr. Rumsfeld would be a good place to start. And the President, who has refused to fire (or accept the resignation of) Rumsfeld, is also complicit.

For the sake of our military, Rumsfeld should go, but it should not be gracefully.


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