Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Wacky Adventures of Bill O'McCarthy, Pt. I

Part 1 in a series of looks inside America's favorite paranoid, narcissistic pundit- Bill'O!

After old Bill'O was unfairly smeared by the "far-left smear sites" because of the "satirical riff" he did about San Francisco deserving a terrorist attack, he promised to "name names". He would let his viewers, the heroes, know who supported these anti-American "gutternsnipes". Well look out, guttersnipes, you're officially on notice!

In addition, Bill'O is targeting all who support propraganda. And no, Bill'O does not know what irony is. He has published the list, which will continue to grow as he uncovers even more enemies of, ummm, whatever it is that Billy believes in:
Media Operations that Traffic in Defamation

The following media operations have regularly helped distribute defamation and false information supplied by far left websites:

- New York Daily News

- The St. Petersburg Times


These are the worst offenders. In the months to come, we expect to add more names to this list. We recommend that you do not patronize these operations and that advertisers do the same. They are dishonest and not worth your time and money.

Identifying these Communist organizations is a good start. No American should associate with them.

Bill'O allowed me a sneak peek at next week's additions to the list:
-The San Francisco Chronicle [Ban them or bomb them ASAP!!!]
-Andrea Makris [Harassment, schmarrasment- you loved it, baby!]
-C-Span 3 [Camera angle seems a tad liberal to me]
-The internet; all of it [NOTE: Exempting NewsMax, Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin's blog, and]
-The American People [Disapproves of the war- therefore, hates America]

To be safe, do not patronize anything or anyone without his approval.

BONUS!- Listen to the O'Rant: Bill O'Reilly goes Nuts


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