Monday, November 28, 2005

Laura Bush, You Just Made O'Reilly's List

The war on Christmas continues! Those gosh darn secularists are trying to destroy the wholesome origins of Christmas (in full effect this year)... Luckily for America and Christmas, there are people like O'Reilly looking out for all of us. He has been urging his fan(s) to boycott any stores that use a generic "Happy Holidays" greeting over the phrase "Merry Christmas". Because all them other holidays suck. And because this is apparently an important issue. And because apparently O'Reilly got a ratings boost when he did this same rant last year.

On his radio show earlier today, O'Reilly's plan was to watch "the many ways in which Christmas has been diminished in the marketplace and the public square. He'll name names and look at how the battle for Christmas is shaping up this year." You'll notice that Mr. O'Reilly likes to name names. Occassionally he even follows through on that 'threat'. Joe McCarthy is looking up and smiling. The war on Christmas was also the top story on tonight's episode of the O'Reilly Factor.

I have one name for O'Reilly's list- Laura Bush.

Her unamerican, secularist remarks upon receiving the White House Christmas tree today:
"Well, all things bright and beautiful is the theme this year. I think it will be really bright and beautiful with this fabulous tree. But thank you all very much. Happy holidays. I know this is the real start of the season, the Monday after Thanksgiving, and so I want to wish everybody happy holidays. And we'll see you later this week with the White House decorations."

Laura Bush, you're on notice.


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